Private Stories Podcast with Psychologist Dr. Becky Spelman from Private Therapy Clinic

The Truth About Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Pyramid Schemes | Psychology Behind Network Marketing - Episode 29

Dr. Becky Spelman

In Today’s podcast Dr. Becky speaks with Josie Naikoi known on YouTube as ‘Not the Good Girl’. Josie talks about her experience working for three different multi-level marketing companies, Josie reached the top 1% during her time working for these companies, which meant she was one of the few people who were making a profit. 

At Josie’s highest point of success, she made $106,000 a year, however, she had not been advised correctly on how to pay the correct taxes which lead her into a battle with the IRS. Josie also explains that as well as this stressful situation involving the taxes she also realised she was working all the time and was not allowed to take any time off, this lead Josie to realise she would never have a healthy working life whilst continuing to work for multi-level marketing companies. 

When Josie left Multi-Level Marketing, she realised that the business of multi-level marketing is a ‘commercial cult’ where there is an unhealthy level of negativity within these organisations. Josie also discusses that she was never allowed to voice her opinions as these would go against the beliefs of the companies. Josie highlights the similarities between Multi-Level Marketing and cults and also discusses how these companies brainwash individuals and how it is actually very hard for these people to actually earn a living through Multi-Level Marketing. 

It was a difficult decision for Josie to leave this industry due to the high level of income she was earning, however, she was able to recognise that she was unhappy in this business. When Josie finally managed to break away from multi-level marketing she was then blocked and unfriended by many of her previous colleagues within multi-level marketing. Josie now speaks out against Multi- level marketing to help raise awareness of the realities of this industry and to help others also break free from network marketing. 

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